Computers Geekery

How to create a git repo with the SQLite amalgamation source

Suppose you use GIT for your source control and would like to include SQLite as a third-party component via `git submodule` or `git subtree`. How does one go about getting access to the SQLite amalgamation as a GIT repo? When I tried this I found one on, but it wasn’t being maintained any longer. It occurred to me that I didn’t need to depend on anyone else — I could do this myself. These steps use the bash command line shell. I’ve tried it on Mac OS, but should also work on Linux or using a bash shell on Windows. SQLite source is kept in a source control management tool called Fossil ( (It’s written by the authors of SQLite and uses SQLite internally, naturally.) The authors courteously tag each major of release in Fossil. So it’s simply a matter of cloning the SQLite source, checking out each tag, running the makefile to produce the amalgamation and checking in the amalgamated code into a new git repo.


  1. Install Fossil from
  2. Install dev tools necessary for building fossil’s amalgamation (make, etc..)
  3. Install git
  4. Clone the SQLite source repo using fossil:

    mkdir sqlite-fossil
    cd sqlite-fossil
    fossil clone sqlite.fossil
    fossil open sqlite.fossil
    cd ..
  5. Create a new git repo to hold the amalgamation:

    mkdir sqlite-amalgamation
    cd sqlite-amalgamation
    git init
  6. Optional: Create a file with a copy of these instructions or a link to this page and commit it.

In the future you won’t need to clone from fossil fresh, nor create a new repo — you’ll still have them. To add new SQLite releases to your repo you will use `fossil update` and `git pull` to update the two repos.

Adding one release:

  1. Perform these steps, replacing $1 with the release name — OR just copy this into a file called next to your two repos, make it executable using `chmod +x` and invoke it with the name of the release.
    cd sqlite-fossil
    fossil update $1
    rm -rf ../sqlite_build
    mkdir ../sqlite-build
    cd ../sqlite-build/
    make sqlite3.c
    cd ../sqlite-amalgamation/
    mv ../sqlite-build/sqlite3.c .
    mv ../sqlite-fossil/src/shell.c .
    mv ../sqlite-build/sqlite3.h .
    mv ../sqlite-fossil/src/sqlite3ext.h .
    git commit -a -m $1
    cd ..
  2. For example:

    ./ version-

    Not sure what all the tags are? Use `fossil tags` to display all the tags. Search for the ones that start with 3. as the major releases. Warning: The releases do not sort in alphabetical order (e.g. 3.8.11 sorts before 3.8.9 but is a later release) so use care when picking which tags to build, otherwise your git repo could end up with the commits not in the correct order.