Today we were discussing SQLite query performance with respect to “IS NULL”. We are either misremembering, or SQLite has gotten better.
“IS NULL” will leverage an index on a column, just the same as comparing with any other value, such as “== 0”. So, it appears that NULL is indexed. IS NOT NULL, however, is only marginally helped by an index.
Evidence: save attached test.sql and run. Notice how the timing for the query drops from 95ms to 54ms for both “x == 0” as for “x IS NULL” with the addition of an index. The “x IS NOT NULL” query drops only minutely, from 95ms to 85ms.
sqlite3 test2.db < test.sql
INSERT 1,000,000 rows, about 50% of which are, randomly NULL, the others are 0
turn on timer
baseline timings with NO INDEX for IS NULL
CPU Time: user 0.095477 sys 0.003140
baseline timings with NO INDEX for IS NOT NULL
CPU Time: user 0.091441 sys 0.003123
baseline timings with NO INDEX for == 0
CPU Time: user 0.094747 sys 0.002805
Create index on x
baseline timings with INDEX for IS NULL
CPU Time: user 0.054242 sys 0.001700
baseline timings with INDEX for IS NOT NULL
CPU Time: user 0.085374 sys 0.002607
baseline timings with INDEX for == 0
CPU Time: user 0.053888 sys 0.001612
CREATE TABLE numerals ( N );
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 0);
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 1 );
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 2 );
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 3 );
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 4 );
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 5 );
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 6 );
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 7 );
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 8 );
INSERT INTO numerals VALUES ( 9 );
CREATE TABLE test ( x );
SELECT “INSERT 1,000,000 rows, about 50% of which are, randomly NULL, the others are 0”;
INSERT INTO test select NULLIF(random()>0,1) FROM numerals AS A, numerals AS B, numerals AS C, numerals AS D, numerals AS E, numerals AS F;
SELECT “turn on timer”;
SELECT “baseline timings with NO INDEX for IS NULL”;
.timer on
select COUNT( rowid ) FROM test WHERE x IS NULL;
.timer off
SELECT “baseline timings with NO INDEX for IS NOT NULL”;
.timer on
select COUNT( rowid ) FROM test WHERE x IS NOT NULL;
.timer off
SELECT “baseline timings with NO INDEX for == 0”;
.timer on
select COUNT( rowid ) FROM test WHERE x == 0;
.timer off
SELECT “Create index on x”;
CREATE INDEX test_x ON test (x );
SELECT “baseline timings with INDEX for IS NULL”;
.timer on
select COUNT( rowid ) FROM test WHERE x IS NULL;
.timer off
SELECT “baseline timings with INDEX for IS NOT NULL”;
.timer on
select COUNT( rowid ) FROM test WHERE x IS NOT NULL;
.timer off
SELECT “baseline timings with INDEX for == 0”;
.timer on
select COUNT( rowid ) FROM test WHERE x == 0;
.timer off